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Conclusion Paragraph Generator

A “Conclusion Paragraph” is the last section of your written piece. It wraps up your essay or paper by summarizing the main points, restating your thesis or argument, and possibly offering some final thoughts or implications. The purpose of a conclusion is to give a sense of closure and completeness to the topic and to leave a final impression on the reader.

A good conclusion paragraph does more than just summarizing what has been written. Here are some characteristics of an effective conclusion:

  1. Restates the Thesis
    The conclusion starts with restating the thesis statement but in a more convincing way than was stated in your introduction. It should not merely repeat the thesis in the exact same words, but rather rephrase it in a way that complements your summary.
  2. Summarizes Main Points
    It summarizes the main points or arguments that were presented in the body paragraphs. These should be briefly mentioned in a clear and concise manner without going into too much detail.
  3. Synthesizes the Information
    Instead of simply summarizing the points, a strong conclusion synthesizes them by connecting the information together and demonstrating how these ideas work collectively to prove your thesis statement.
  4. Provides a Sense of Closure
    The conclusion should give the reader a sense of completeness or closure. This can be accomplished by bringing the essay full circle, tying back to a story or anecdote you’ve used in the introduction, or simply offering a final thought.
  5. Leaves a Lasting Impression
    The conclusion should end with a memorable or impactful sentence that will leave a lasting impression on the reader. This could be a powerful statement, a thought-provoking question, or a call to action that encourages the reader to think about the topic in a new way.

Remember, the conclusion paragraph is your last chance to leave an impression on the reader, so make it count!